The Healing Power of Rainforest Medicinal Plants

Books on Rainforest Medicinal Plants


Nature's Secret to Fight Free Radicals

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Discover the Secret Health Benefits of Acerola, the Barbados Cherry

Acerola has long been used as a super fruit for the very high amount of natural vitamin C it contains, but as this book reveals, acerola is much, much more than just the vitamin C it provides. You’ll learn about the amazing “power of polyphenols” and the many health benefits polyphenols provide. Acerola delivers an incredible amount of these natural plant compounds, which have been proven time and time again through research around the world to fight free radicals, relieve oxidative stress, reduce chronic inflammation, protect cells from damage, and even help repair cells that were damaged by free radicals.

You’ll also read about new research on acerola that reports it can help you look and feel younger, help you lose some weight, give you more energy, make you smarter, and decrease your risk of developing a host of chronic diseases. Most of these benefits are attributed to acerola’s ability to effectively fight free radicals.

The recent growth in the knowledge of free radicals through tens of thousands of research studies is producing a medical revolution that promises a new age of health and disease management. This book explains in simple terms what free radicals are, how your built-in antioxidant system is supposed to keep these free radicals at healthy levels, the lifestyle and dietary factors that cause your built-in antioxidant system to falter, and how natural and effective polyphenol and vitamin antioxidants, like those found in acerola, can be the solution to restore your antioxidant system to optimal levels to keep you healthy and protected from disease again.

Read, learn, and join the new revolution for optimal health and wellness!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Leslie Taylor is one of the world’s leading experts on rainforest medicinal plants and a leader in creating a worldwide market for the important medicinal plants of the Amazon rainforest. Previously, as a product manufacturer and bulk supplier, she was bound by the rules and regulations of the industry, which limited her ability to share vital information on the research that validated the effective uses of these powerful plants to positively affect our health. She closed her company and naturopathic practice to focus on sharing her extensive knowledge of these medicinal plants she’s used and studied for almost twenty years and to reveal the secrets of how to use these remarkable rainforest plants effectively. Leslie lives in Texas and is the best-selling author of The Healing Power of Rainforest Herbs.

Books in the Rainforest Medicinal Plant Guide series provide factual, scientific, and vital information on how to use these powerful medicinal plants effectively to improve your health.


What if there were just one supplement you could take that would make you look and feel younger, help you lose some weight, give you more energy, make you smarter, and decrease your risk of developing a host of chronic diseases? Recent research published on acerola shows that this amazing tropical fruit might just do that! This book will explain how and why.

When I wrote my rainforest book in 2005, The Healing Power of Rainforest Herbs, there were virtually no research studies published on acerola. All the health benefits for acerola were related to the high amount of vitamin C it provides. And it does contain an astounding amount of vitamin C—up to 10 times more than oranges when acerola is harvested when it’s ripe and up to 50 times more when unripe fruit is harvested and used in natural and vitamin supplement products.

Research in the field of food science and nutrition has been focusing on the development of food products with higher nutritional values and the evaluation of foods for their health-promoting potential. As a result, the natural health industry coined the term “functional food” to describe foods that promote health and contain high levels of nutrients. In addition to fulfilling basic nutritional needs, functional foods provide additional physiological benefits, such as preventing or delaying the occurrence of chronic diseases. With acerola fruit being one of the richest natural sources of vitamin C ever known, acerola fruit and its products are in demand worldwide for the production of health supplements and in the development of functional food products. Acerola has well earned its “super fruit” designation in the natural health industry, and this book will tell you why.

You see, new research reveals that acerola is much more than the vitamin C it provides. What you’ll learn from this book is the amazing “power of polyphenols” and the many health benefits these plant compounds can provide by fighting free radicals and relieving the oxidative stress and chronic inflammation they produce. Acerola delivers an incredible amount of these natural compounds, which have been proven repeatedly through research around the world to fight free radicals, relieve oxidative stress, reduce chronic inflammation, protect cells from damage, and even help repair cells that were damaged by free radicals. Polyphenols are now shown to be working in concert with the vitamin C in acerola to deliver important benefits that are far greater than vitamin C can provide alone, and they are key in avoiding many chronic diseases.

Tens of thousands of studies have been published in the last five years confirming that free radicals and the chronic inflammation and cellular damage they create are now a cause or contributing factor to many diseases and conditions. Oxidative stress and chronic inflammation from free radical damage are playing major roles in the development or progression of a range of conditions, including type 2 diabetes and other metabolic diseases, clogged arteries and heart diseases, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, neurogenerative diseases, autoimmune diseases, and even obesity. The link is even more clear in age-related chronic diseases and in aging itself.

The recent growth in the knowledge of free radicals, and particularly types of free radicals called reactive oxygen species (ROS), is producing a medical revolution that promises a new age of health and disease management. This book will explain in easy-to-understand terms what free radicals are, how your built-in antioxidant system is supposed to keep these free radicals at healthy levels, the lifestyle and dietary factors that cause your built-in antioxidant system to falter, and how natural and effective polyphenol and vitamin antioxidants, like those found in acerola, can be the solution to restore your antioxidant system to optimal levels to keep you protected from disease.

Most important, this book includes a comprehensive consumer guide that provides important information about the acerola products available in the marketplace, how to choose the best product, and what dosages are most beneficial. As you will learn, not all acerola products are the same. You may not be able to find this in-depth information elsewhere, especially from an unbiased and reliable source that isn’t trying to sell you their product.

We are currently in a healthcare crisis. Healthcare costs and health insurance rates have steadily risen as doctors’ offices are jammed with patients trying to treat diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and a whole host of chronic diseases. You might be surprised to learn that many of these conditions are preventable. The main goal of this book is to share this new information that the underlying and contributing causes of these health problems are, in fact, caused by our failing antioxidants systems and how to naturally heal the natural processes in our antioxidant system to promote health and optimal wellness. Simple and natural health solutions such as these shouldn’t be kept a secret. They should be widely shared to lower our healthcare costs while benefiting our overall health.


1. What Is Acerola?
Traditional Uses in Herbal Medicine
Natural Compounds and Nutritional Value
2. Free Radicals and Antioxidants
What Is a Free Radical?
What Is an Antioxidant?
3. The Health Benefits of Vitamin C
The Main Benefits and Actions of Vitamin C
The Bottom Line
Vitamin C Deficiencies
Acerola as a Solution
4. The Power of Polyphenols
What Is a Polyphenol?
How Polyphenols Are Unique
The Main Actions of Polyphenols
The Polyphenols in Acerola
Different Polyphenols Means Different Actions
The Takeaway
5. How Polyphenols and Antioxidants Prevent Disease
The Western Diet
The Net Results of Poor Diets
The Inflammation Connection
Diseases Caused by Oxidative Stress and Chronic Inflammation
6. The Benefits of Acerola in Fighting Free Radicals
The Research on Acerola’s Antioxidant Actions
Cellular-Protective Actions
7. More Benefits and Uses of Acerola
Anti-Aging and AGE-Inhibitor Actions
Anti-Obesity and Weight-Loss Actions
Better Memory and Brain Function
Anti-Fatigue Actions
Cancer Prevention and Anticancer Actions
Antidiabetic Actions
Antimicrobial Actions
Cholesterol-Lowering Actions
Benefits for the Skin
8. A Consumer Guide for Acerola
Traditional Preparation
The Safety of Acerola
Sources of Acerola
Finding a Good Acerola Product
Where to Purchase Acerola
Suggested Dosages for Acerola
About the Author

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Acerola - Nature's Secret to Fight Free Radicals by Leslie Taylor