A botanical formula which combines 7 plants traditionally used in South America for asthma, COPD and other lung problems* For more information on the individual ingredients in Amazon Lung Support, follow the links provided below to the plant database files in the Tropical Plant Database.
Ingredients: A herbal blend of amor seco, embauba, avenca, mullaca, jatoba, mutamba, and samambaia. To prepare this natural remedy yourself: use three parts amor seco, two parts embauba, and one part each of the remaining plants in the list. To make a small amount... "1 part" could be one tablespoon (you'd have 10 tablespoons of the blended herbal formula). For larger amounts, use "1 part" as one ounce or one cup or one pound. Combine all the herbs together well. The herbal mixture can then be stuffed into capsules or brewed into tea, stirred into juice or other liquid, or taken however you'd like.
Suggested Use: Take 1 to 1.5 grams 2-3 times daily. (1 gram is approximately 1 teaspoon by volume)